Sustainable Wastewater Management in Lebanon - Policy Paper

Download the Policy Paper on "Smart Investment for a Sustainable Future: Scaling Blueprints for Decentralised Wastewater in Lebanon"

In May 2024, our partners from Cewas hosted a dynamic discussion on innovative solutions tackling Lebanon's wastewater challenges. This event launched the policy paper "Smart Investment for a Sustainable Future: Scaling Blueprints for Decentralised Wastewater" bringing together donors, Lebanese CSOs, and NGOs committed to nature-based Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS), inspired by the successful model in Bcharee.


Engaging discussions on short, medium, and long-term measures, paving actionable paths forward, attendees explored practical steps within their capacity and planned collaborations with fellow stakeholders.

The potential of Lebanon's WASH sector entrepreneurs in creating solutions for urban and rural areas promises a brighter water future! Download & Read the Policy Paper.