Blue Economy Forum

Blue Economy Forum


MedWaves & Fondation Diane


The Blue Economy Forum emphasized the importance of a sustainable blue economy, bringing together experts & entrepreneurs actively engaged in advancing it in Lebanon


We depend on the Earth to sustain life… And the health of our Oceans & Seas is essential to the survival of our planet!


In May 2024, we organized and moderated, on behalf of Fondation Diane and MedWaves, a Blue Economy Forum as a side event to the 3rd EcoSwitch Festival for green entrepreneurs in Lebanon. 

We presented how crucial the health of our seas & oceans is to our planet and our existence; our unsustainable practices ranging from overfishing to marine pollution to coastal damages; the challenges we are currently facing; and the solutions paving the way to a more sustainable blue economy.  


This was followed by an engaging roundtable discussion around a Blue Economy in Lebanon, highlighting opportunities & challenges, with the participation of the following experts, sea activists, and green entrepreneurs in the blue economy: