Our Anti-Littering animation #AnaRa7Balesh illustrates the importance of keeping Lebanon clean through stopping the unfortunately widespread bad habit of Lebanese citizens to throw their trash in all public realm: from the car windows, on our streets, our mountains, our rivers, and our sea… It sheds the light on the current resulting state of pollution and encourages kids to get pro-actively involved by starting to change such habits right away, and be part of this anti-littering campaign in order to contribute in beautifying their country & protecting their health.
We envision this project as an educational tool for teachers to introduce and stimulate the concept of anti-littering among students. The animation, with touches the topics of environment, civic education, and life sciences, is also coupled with an educational Teaching Guide produced in three languages, downloadable at the following links: Arabic, English, and French.
The Teaching Guide highlights the important messages that need to be passed on to the children and includes a set of Questions along with suggested Activities for teachers to use in order to engage their pupils in a discussion around anti-littering, to encourage and provoke them to start acting now: in their school, family, home, community, and hopefully extend it to the public spaces around them.
#AnaRa7Balesh has been endorsed by the Lebanese Ministry of Environment and is available to view and share on YouTube.
It has also been integrated as an educational activity into the Mountain Explorers educational platform, and its Activity Sheets are downloadable at the following links: Arabic, English, French.
With the support of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, this educational tool has been introduced in public schools along the Lebanon Mountain Trail as an extra-curricular activity.
We, at EcoConsulting and LMTA, are very keen to circulating this educational tool in all schools in Lebanon, and need help in sharing it via intranet, WhatsApp, Facebook, or any other ways of spreading it!