Abtal El Bi'a, the Environmental Championship Program

Abtal El Bi'a, the Environmental Championship Program


The Environmental Championship Program, or Abtal El Bi'A in Arabic, is an innovative environmental education program for kids, and the fruit of a collaboration between EcoConsulting and the Lebanon Mountain Trail Association.


Under our Corporate Social responsibility, some of EcoConsulting's profit is invested in developing environmental education activities & tools.

In 2015, we created Abtal El Bi'A as a response to the lack of comprehensive in-depth environmental education in schools. 

We have partnered since with the Lebanon Mountain Trail Association to assist in one of its conservation and development objectives: Education. Additionally, our enthusiastic team is committed to offering its time and know-how pro-bono to the benefit of the LMTA Education programs, public and private schools, as well as kids and local communities at large.


Abtal El Bi'A is a 5-day environmental awareness and sustainable living program engaging children from diverse ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds in joint social-environmental action. The Environmental Championship program (ECP) is built on the concept of experiential learning, with hands-on, fun, and creative activities aiming to give kids a clear understanding of the full loop that is our supporting ecosystem. Our objective is to empower those kids by giving them the title of “Environmental Champions”, and inspiring them to become stewards of our planet in a pro-active way: protecting nature, acting sensibly about eco-issues, communicating around them important environmental messages.

Have a look at the blog initiated by two kids who participated in the Pilot ECP in April 2015, it includes all ECP videos & songs,  you can view them by clicking on Videos & Songs!

Please contact the LMTA office at +961 5 955 302 or info@lebanontrail.org should you wish to enroll a kid in a future ECP program :)




So far the LMTA Education team has undertaken 21 ECPs since April 2015 with 315 kids between 9 and 13 years old, from public and private schools, becoming Environmental Champions! Our team has been consistently volunteeering to support these educational and fun programs, held on the Lebanon Mountain Trail and in rural guesthouses along it. 

One of them has been, years later, nominated as a UN Young Champion of the Earth and is advocating for climate action: He told us that being part of the Abtal El Bi'A program at a young age influenced him to take action towards environmental stewardship :)